Thursday 14 July 2011

mianei oppa !!


yeah the story begin is ..

pade 14th July 2011 .. akuwh tlah tulis blog psal oppa.. sowy byk2.. oke i2 semua just salah sangke.. jerh.. huh.. Mianei Oppa.. akuwh dah wat dose nan koeh.. ptut yek akuwh cye an koeh dari owng laen!! how DAMN it.!! apew yg ptot akuwh buat??

pening kple akuwh !!

p/s : thanks IZZATI .. heheh <3

Tuesday 12 July 2011



yeahh.. skung akuwh dah berani TEGOR dye!! HEBAT ark ?? ngeeee.. :)

so BOLEH masok jarum an?? heheheheh.. Mood arini HEPI gilew doeh!!


heheh ..

P/S : yg baju hitam urhhhh!! :p

Wednesday 6 July 2011

OMO !! did I'm right what i FEEL??



so latifah dok sebelah akuwh.. I KNOW akuwh byk wat salah nan dye . .  LATIFAH " MIANEI !! "
a bout yang lepas .. kitew buang yg keroh.. kitew AMIK YANG JERNIH oke beb?? :] pas nirh i thik we are FRENZ !!

so.. the story begin is . . .
adew mamat nirh dye x skew akuwh dye benci kan akuwh.. and for informartion.. akuwh pon x skew perangai dye.. but blew pikir2 blik.. myb'e dulu akuwh member nan MOSHING SLICQ .. an GEDIK.. and HIM DON't LIKe MUCh..
and today tetibe.. dye berbaik nan akuwh.. tetibe usya akuwh . . and yg pling WEIRD. . dye cam x skew bilew akuwh nan dak2 cter pasal WAn.. oh.. perh darh jadi??
tapi akuwh x moh persan larh kan. . better diam an diri is to much :)
but.. syiema like that MAMAt.. OmO !!

p/s : latifah x skew member nan akuwh kerh?? :[

Tuesday 5 July 2011

urh What's going ON??

the story begin..

yesterday is a SPORT DAY.. very heppy.. , funny,tired..
so NOW .. akuwh PONTENG skoolah.. hahah JAHAT nya akuwh.. :)  smlm byk yg terjadi..  kpde yg WINER smlm congrats and RUMAH MERAH CAYOKK!! heheh.. and kpade RIDZUAN keep it up.. kau boleh!! dun't be sad merhh.. akuwh tabik nan koeh BOLE lari semalam... :)

hmm... for my **** wah menang an?? tahniah!! :)

hah... nirh mau story sikit, smlm semase akueh tgu bas akuwh sempat arwh POSING2 maut skit gne camera NIKON lan.. an.. erm.. so mase akuwh lepak ngan dak2 3 bijak.. .akuwh  rase cam der owng usya akuwh just bilew posing jerh ish.. WHY ?? knpe koeh tgok akuwh!! ish..

and bilew akuwh dah naek bas.. sguh letih sampai tertidow dlm bas!! sebaik tak berdengkur!! fuh..
bilew dah smpai.. kat skoolh.. akuwh nan member gie arwh.. makan jap..kat MAMAK REST ONE!
perh.. akuwh dah LAPAR pasurh HAUS lak urh.. yg MAMAK kat REST ONE urh blerh agie LEMBAB!!
mang kne MAKI dgn akuwh larh  kan.. dlm akuwh tgh mara nirh.. akuwh nampak KOEH adew kat sini smbil PANDAG akuwh!!! werh perh masalah koeh?? klo skew CAKAP...!! hahah


cun kan ??? hahahah.. bilew SNAP  gne CAMERA MAHAL an??

P/S : mke akuwh cam MAK NENEK larh!!